sunnuntai 28. maaliskuuta 2010

270310 - Etwas mehr interessant

(the title is German and means: "something more interesting")
Okay. It's a mouse family! And they will be having some visitors! They have been inked(by me ofc lol), but they definitetly need some colour. Ah I so love drawing details. And asking children where they are and how many of some things there are, like "how many glasses there are on the table?", "How many visitors will come?", "Where is a dropped spoon?" and so on.

Tomorrow my exams will be over and after the last exam I will concentrate on drawing. I have had so many ideas during my reading, about 5, and I can't wait to put them on paper! You'll see :)

perjantai 26. maaliskuuta 2010

260310 - Skeletons

Why does the cat skeleton look so much cooler?? :D The guy's ribs are prety messy but otherwise he looks like a....homo sapiens! Or?

250310 - Life is just a stop between two stations

Big thoughts at midnight. Yes yes, I will try to draw a better car next time!

Ps. One exam left, German! Ach Deutsch, hier ich komme!

torstai 25. maaliskuuta 2010

240310 - The view from my window

I haven't realized how difficult it is to draw snow. And trees! But let's practise, let's practise...


Ehm, yeah. The BOOM-thing comes from a song. And yes, another girl ;_____; All I draw are girls girls girls! But.....thhey're just so easy to draw!

Okay, now I'll make a promise - I won't draw one week! But this promise is only about my sketch book - elsewhere I've got some other plans, including girls! And boys! And guns! How huge! ( what? )

200310 - Jag orkar inte

A note to self: you should never draw before sleeping just because you HAVE TO draw SOMETHING. Or otherwise, the result will be like this. Yuck.

lauantai 20. maaliskuuta 2010

190310 - nach einer kleinen Ewigkeit

Why am I always getting such a great ideas(which are not here - yet :D) while doing something else which SHOULD be important? I'm talking about my final exams, of course, and TRYING to learn. But no, suddenly I just get a huge inspiration about cooking mouse family, scifi-character(???) and a 60's love couple. Ah.

180310 - Fancy lady

I so want that dress.

keskiviikko 17. maaliskuuta 2010

170310 - All you need is love

Yuck, I know. But I can defende myself by saying that before drawing this picture I watched "Becoming Jane" which is as romantic as a movie can be. But James McAvoy IS gorgeus, after all. Haha.

160310 - The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain

Guess which movie I saw yesterday? A hint: it had Audrey Hepburn as a main character. And they sing. And she says sometimes: "GNAAAAAH!" Ha ha. Okay, it's My Fair Lady or A Movie With Crazy Hats, like I would call it.

Oh I would so want to make these plans true(in the future)! Somebody please donate me some "empty" T-shirts to decorate!

sunnuntai 14. maaliskuuta 2010

140310 - what a sweet summer day!

....I wish! But maybe after 3 months the weather will be like that. HOPEFULLY.

lauantai 13. maaliskuuta 2010

130310 - Men

Dear audience - today we have a special guest star in my Aamuhetken mielikuvitus(which means Morningmoment's imagination btw if you didn't know) - and she is my cousin Eeva! She drew the right one while watching me drawing the left one. They look like brothers, don't you think?

I really should draw men more often. REALLY.

110310 - a blue muffin lady

Details are fun to draw. And I want that kind of chair to myself.

keskiviikko 10. maaliskuuta 2010

090310 - A girl and a teapot

Made with charcoal. I bought a teapot that day, you can find it HERE.

080310 - I wish life was this easy

Greetings from the land of books and stress! I only have to suffer for 2 weeks and 5 days, so let's try to go on... But AFTER this all, I will be like the girl in the photo. Hopefully. Although I have also entrance exams coming and..... Well, let's NOT think about them yet, shall we? ^___^


Sorry for not drawing for 1 week and 5 days! :(:(:(

210210 - Abiristeily

"Senior cruise" on the Baltic Sea! Wohoo!

tiistai 2. maaliskuuta 2010

010310 & 020310 - "Miranda Kerr"

I practised bodies by drawing Miranda Kerr. The belly(funny word hihihi) succeeded fine, but almost everything else... .____.

Here's the original:

P.s. Sorry not drawing here as often as I promised. The final exams are coming and I've spent my time (mostly) in the middle of my lovely school books <3 :P