maanantai 26. huhtikuuta 2010

260410 - News

I wanted to do something different for my very last sketchbook page! So I used glue, scissors, a pen and a German newspaper(that article was about Barack Obama, as you can see), and this is the result.
(don't mind the fact that she looks like a man)

sunnuntai 25. huhtikuuta 2010

250410 - Snowboard boy

Just something unusual I made in a train on my way back home. Well we don't have that much snow anymore(luckily), but still I wanted to do something snowy :)

240410 - Profiles and Faces

I love my new skin-coloured pen!

200410 - Alice in the wonderland

There will be better versions, but later! When I have proper models... MWAHAHA

250410 - Mix

Trying my friend's lovely pens.

lauantai 17. huhtikuuta 2010

170410 - All my loving

Something lovey-dovey again, sigh.

160410 - Sisterhood

We watched Lilo&Stitch-movie and I loved it again!

140410 - Guest Star

My friend was visiting me and we made this Super Awesome Comic :D
The lines:
"Finally the pie is ready!"
"Miss Töyhtö had never smelled such a tempting scent"
"I want some pie!" "Hey!!!"
"Make your own pie!"

sunnuntai 11. huhtikuuta 2010

torstai 8. huhtikuuta 2010

080410 - Mouse family is finally READY!

Ho hoo! I got it finished, at last! I kind of like it, although the wallpaper in the back isn't the best one.. A white acryl was a bit too thick! But I'll "make it work" :D I'll send a copy of this into a university of applied sciences, because that's one place where I'm applying :)

Comments? Now I really want them :D

070310 - Don't look ( and now you will look )

I finally got GOOD pencils(72 pencils, to be specific) and what do I make with them? THIS:
That is what comes when you have no idea what to draw. I tried to do something cool with her face - shadows and light coming out of somewhere - but no. Then I tried to spread the colour with my spit and my finger, but that was even worse idea, as you can see. More practice, more practice!

060410 - Toyday

Yeah well, I watched Toy Story that day. And I drew that picture in the late evening so it is kinda crappy. But nevermind :D