sunnuntai 16. toukokuuta 2010

Sorry vol 2

I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update this blog in a really long time. BUT this time I have a good reason(if my lazyness hasn't count): my laptop doesn't work and all I have is my family's super old computer with no Epson-scanner program! But in the future maybe I'll take photos or something. We'll see. Hang in there!

maanantai 3. toukokuuta 2010

020510 - I believe I can fly

Summer is coming!

Min klara vappen

My.....not-drunken (?)vappu(a Finnish festival, which mostly includes drinking, balloons and costumes). I was with children and watched tv from computer. A bit boring, but that's alright :D

280410 - Random sketches

No, that guy wasn't sleeping. He's just from my imagination ha ha.