keskiviikko 15. joulukuuta 2010

And more giraffes! Enjoy!

At school we had to draw the subject using some kind of art style, as you remember!. And I chose Art Nouveau. Ah it's so lovely. I like this one so much, and it took lots of time to do this! Especially those circles!

And then the giraffe on a black paper. Not the best succeeded work I've ever made, but alright anyway.
And then we had to form the subject from other subjects, and I chose candles! First I thought about going outside with them but then the wind blow away half of them so I chose to stay inside. But still it turned out to be quite nice :)

sunnuntai 5. joulukuuta 2010

051210 - Art Noveau, Le Inspiration a'la Moi

(yes, I can't speak French)
We had a school assignment where we had to be inspired of some art style(not sure about the English translation, krhm) - f ex impressionism, pop art, realism etc. After quite a long time of pondering I chose Art Nouveau, or Jugend(but Art Nouveau sounds fancier :D) I really love all those details and oh the hair! It looks so wonderful in every picture. Take a look:
I tried to copy the last one because I hadn't made these kind of things before. And I'm pretty satisfied what I have made!
But I need some practise - as always - although I don't have much time to practise because this must be ready until the end of this week!
And part of the assignment is that you need to make a object using this style of art. And my object is giraffes, like you remember right? And these are some sketeches about my Art Nouveau-giraffe.
And even though I love drawing those hair, I think they make the giraffe look more like a horse than a giraffe. So the right one is...the right one I guess :D

sunnuntai 28. marraskuuta 2010

Illustrator is my new best friend

We had a course about using Illustrator, it was quite fun! It's nice to notice that there're millions of shapes you can make from like one circle or square! Illustrator is a good program if you want basic shapes, but if you want more details, it might be a bit difficult. But I'm just an amateur..!

Here we had to make different kind of logos for supermarket or something like that:

Here's our last work, we had to design a magazine cover, and I found that awesome photo by Elena Kalis. She has took some incredible photos under water! So, my magazine would be about "lifestyle, design, travel, explore" - as you can see. I really like it!
(the picture went quite strange, I don't know why, hmm)
Everybody had to make a panda. Mine came a bit crazy!
And THIS is REAL Illustrator art, you can find more pictures made by him here. (the page is in Finnish)
I looove owls, and this one is so grrrrreat! I could frame it on my wall!

And yeah we made some other works as well but I'm too lazy to put them here(and they aren't really that good, these are "the best" ones lol :D

perjantai 26. marraskuuta 2010

Giraffes, giraffes.

Again some school work! We had to make different versions from one subject, and I chose(well the teacher suggested it but anyway) my giraffe necklace! I think these turned out to be quite nice, considering that I made these yesterday evening totally in panic... :D

These details have obviously some awesome characters! Bad-ass, albino, fancy-pants, wooden giraffe, worried giraffe and hard plastic.

I made some extra-ones so I would have more to choose, and here is the Zebra and the Goat.

tiistai 16. marraskuuta 2010

Sketchbook pages

We tried Promarkers in school, and it was AWESOME. (eventhough I had only grey Promarkers because my Aqua Promarkers didn't work like they should have...) This is what we made:
The teacher was fun, and he had a Scottish accent so it took always few seconds before I realized what he said and he must have thought I was a retarded or something like that, eh.

These have been made in school also, on our Photography lesson. It WAS interesting, but I felt like drawing! I wanted to "invent" an animal which wasn't really an animal but still kind of it was... Complicated? Well look, at the creature on the left!
He likes dancing! I just have to make up him a name, any suggestions?
I like this last one, the man has been made in train and the woman has been made in a ship.

sunnuntai 24. lokakuuta 2010

241010 - School stuff and something else

Hello again!
I haven't been very industrious lately, but I still try to update my blog every now and then. We have to make 10 drawings/paintings from model, and here's on of them, I guess that's the best one. I'm still working on the others and hoping to get them done in time!
And then something I've been working on just for fun:
I hope it will be nice when it's ready :)

lauantai 2. lokakuuta 2010

021010 Mystical leopard-cat-thing

Apparently I had a little summer vacation here.. Well, let's go on! I haven't drawn EVERY DAY as I should have, but I started my studies with graphic design and we have drawn some more "serious" stuff there. I'll put them here some day. :D

But. I bought new Aqua Promarkers!! I had to try them and this is what came to the paper:
And I have a new blog-idea(yeah, I have only 3 blogs now, why not to make a 4th one?)coming up, so keep reading! ;)

sunnuntai 16. toukokuuta 2010

Sorry vol 2

I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update this blog in a really long time. BUT this time I have a good reason(if my lazyness hasn't count): my laptop doesn't work and all I have is my family's super old computer with no Epson-scanner program! But in the future maybe I'll take photos or something. We'll see. Hang in there!

maanantai 3. toukokuuta 2010

020510 - I believe I can fly

Summer is coming!

Min klara vappen

My.....not-drunken (?)vappu(a Finnish festival, which mostly includes drinking, balloons and costumes). I was with children and watched tv from computer. A bit boring, but that's alright :D

280410 - Random sketches

No, that guy wasn't sleeping. He's just from my imagination ha ha.

maanantai 26. huhtikuuta 2010

260410 - News

I wanted to do something different for my very last sketchbook page! So I used glue, scissors, a pen and a German newspaper(that article was about Barack Obama, as you can see), and this is the result.
(don't mind the fact that she looks like a man)

sunnuntai 25. huhtikuuta 2010

250410 - Snowboard boy

Just something unusual I made in a train on my way back home. Well we don't have that much snow anymore(luckily), but still I wanted to do something snowy :)

240410 - Profiles and Faces

I love my new skin-coloured pen!

200410 - Alice in the wonderland

There will be better versions, but later! When I have proper models... MWAHAHA

250410 - Mix

Trying my friend's lovely pens.

lauantai 17. huhtikuuta 2010

170410 - All my loving

Something lovey-dovey again, sigh.

160410 - Sisterhood

We watched Lilo&Stitch-movie and I loved it again!

140410 - Guest Star

My friend was visiting me and we made this Super Awesome Comic :D
The lines:
"Finally the pie is ready!"
"Miss Töyhtö had never smelled such a tempting scent"
"I want some pie!" "Hey!!!"
"Make your own pie!"

sunnuntai 11. huhtikuuta 2010

torstai 8. huhtikuuta 2010

080410 - Mouse family is finally READY!

Ho hoo! I got it finished, at last! I kind of like it, although the wallpaper in the back isn't the best one.. A white acryl was a bit too thick! But I'll "make it work" :D I'll send a copy of this into a university of applied sciences, because that's one place where I'm applying :)

Comments? Now I really want them :D

070310 - Don't look ( and now you will look )

I finally got GOOD pencils(72 pencils, to be specific) and what do I make with them? THIS:
That is what comes when you have no idea what to draw. I tried to do something cool with her face - shadows and light coming out of somewhere - but no. Then I tried to spread the colour with my spit and my finger, but that was even worse idea, as you can see. More practice, more practice!

060410 - Toyday

Yeah well, I watched Toy Story that day. And I drew that picture in the late evening so it is kinda crappy. But nevermind :D

sunnuntai 28. maaliskuuta 2010

270310 - Etwas mehr interessant

(the title is German and means: "something more interesting")
Okay. It's a mouse family! And they will be having some visitors! They have been inked(by me ofc lol), but they definitetly need some colour. Ah I so love drawing details. And asking children where they are and how many of some things there are, like "how many glasses there are on the table?", "How many visitors will come?", "Where is a dropped spoon?" and so on.

Tomorrow my exams will be over and after the last exam I will concentrate on drawing. I have had so many ideas during my reading, about 5, and I can't wait to put them on paper! You'll see :)

perjantai 26. maaliskuuta 2010

260310 - Skeletons

Why does the cat skeleton look so much cooler?? :D The guy's ribs are prety messy but otherwise he looks like a....homo sapiens! Or?

250310 - Life is just a stop between two stations

Big thoughts at midnight. Yes yes, I will try to draw a better car next time!

Ps. One exam left, German! Ach Deutsch, hier ich komme!

torstai 25. maaliskuuta 2010

240310 - The view from my window

I haven't realized how difficult it is to draw snow. And trees! But let's practise, let's practise...


Ehm, yeah. The BOOM-thing comes from a song. And yes, another girl ;_____; All I draw are girls girls girls! But.....thhey're just so easy to draw!

Okay, now I'll make a promise - I won't draw one week! But this promise is only about my sketch book - elsewhere I've got some other plans, including girls! And boys! And guns! How huge! ( what? )

200310 - Jag orkar inte

A note to self: you should never draw before sleeping just because you HAVE TO draw SOMETHING. Or otherwise, the result will be like this. Yuck.

lauantai 20. maaliskuuta 2010

190310 - nach einer kleinen Ewigkeit

Why am I always getting such a great ideas(which are not here - yet :D) while doing something else which SHOULD be important? I'm talking about my final exams, of course, and TRYING to learn. But no, suddenly I just get a huge inspiration about cooking mouse family, scifi-character(???) and a 60's love couple. Ah.

180310 - Fancy lady

I so want that dress.

keskiviikko 17. maaliskuuta 2010

170310 - All you need is love

Yuck, I know. But I can defende myself by saying that before drawing this picture I watched "Becoming Jane" which is as romantic as a movie can be. But James McAvoy IS gorgeus, after all. Haha.

160310 - The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain

Guess which movie I saw yesterday? A hint: it had Audrey Hepburn as a main character. And they sing. And she says sometimes: "GNAAAAAH!" Ha ha. Okay, it's My Fair Lady or A Movie With Crazy Hats, like I would call it.

Oh I would so want to make these plans true(in the future)! Somebody please donate me some "empty" T-shirts to decorate!