sunnuntai 24. lokakuuta 2010

241010 - School stuff and something else

Hello again!
I haven't been very industrious lately, but I still try to update my blog every now and then. We have to make 10 drawings/paintings from model, and here's on of them, I guess that's the best one. I'm still working on the others and hoping to get them done in time!
And then something I've been working on just for fun:
I hope it will be nice when it's ready :)

lauantai 2. lokakuuta 2010

021010 Mystical leopard-cat-thing

Apparently I had a little summer vacation here.. Well, let's go on! I haven't drawn EVERY DAY as I should have, but I started my studies with graphic design and we have drawn some more "serious" stuff there. I'll put them here some day. :D

But. I bought new Aqua Promarkers!! I had to try them and this is what came to the paper:
And I have a new blog-idea(yeah, I have only 3 blogs now, why not to make a 4th one?)coming up, so keep reading! ;)