maanantai 18. tammikuuta 2010

180110 - My feelings today

Koulu alkoi kymmeneltä, uskonnon tunnilla oli mielenkiintoista, sain kutsun johon en tiedä miten vastata, ahersin koulussa puolinukuksissa, hermoilin teoriakoetta jota sitten lopulta en läpäissyt, en halua vieläkään uskoa että ensi tiistaina digiboksissani ei ole tallennettuna edellisen päivän Conan O'Brienia.
Ps. Ei kannata laittaa skanneriin mitään, jossa on märkää mustetta.
//And the same in English(to my only foreign reader xD): The school started at 10 am, it was interesting in Religion classes, I got invited to something which I don't know how to answer, I did lots of work at school my eyes hardly open, I was nervous about my theory exam which I didn't pass, and I still can't believe that next tuesday there's no Conan O'Brien recorded in my digi-box. (xD)
Ps. It isn't really clever to put into scanner something which has still wet ink.

1 kommentti:

  1. Oh, you're so kind :D
    But i hope once i'll understand the finnish version, too. ^^
